Superintendent: Kristen Moeller - - 308-379-6881 -
Exhibit Checkin: Wed, Jul 17 form 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm - No exhibits accepted after 7:30 pm
General Information:- All entries in the purebred classes must be from registered animals.
- Open Class Show Thursday, July 18 (8 a.m. Livestock Arena)
- Barrows and Gilts must be 200-300 lbs. for the show.
- A01 Barrow Poland China
- A02 Barrow Duroc
- A03 Barrow Hampshire
- A04 Barrow Berkshire
- A05 Barrow Chester White
- A06 Barrow Yorkshire
- A07 Barrow Landrance
- A08 Barrow other established breed
- A09 Barrow Crossbred
- A10 Gilt Poland China
- A11 Gilt Duroc
- A12 Gilt Hampshire
- A13 Gilt Berkshire
- A14 Gilt Chester White
- A15 Gilt Yorkshire
- A16 Gilt Landrance
- A17 Gilt other established breed
- A18 Gilt Crossbred